3c59x more on ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff problem

Avi Barel avi@nmcfast.com
Mon Aug 10 08:36:41 1998

I'm using Linux-slackware 2.0.33 on an MMX 200 machine with Award
Modular BIOS
v4.51PG. On the same machine booting trough lilo: Linux (slackware) and
NT 4.0.

I (had to) changed my network card from 3c905 to 3c905B. First I've
supported my Linux with 3c59x.c:v0.99E 5/12/98 by Donald Becker.
Compile, insmod ... working perfectly. Then I booted NT and installed
the 3Com driver. I've noticed that 3Com NIC diagnostic utillity, was
automatically installed.
I booted Linux again and the FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF (as the adaptor's mac
address) problem appears (PnP OS is disabled on my machine from day
one). I suspected that the windows driver did something to the card, so
I replaced it with a new one... Linux worked perfect.
... After the first time running NT with the new 3c509B card the
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF problem re apeated on Linux.
I've managed to remove the "3Com NIC diagnostic tool" (trough the
registry) and went over the all checking process again ( including using
"virgin" cards), the same results.

Summary (known facts):
1. The 3c59x.o works fine on "virgin" 3c905b cards.
2. On the same HW setup, Linux can not drive the 3c509B after NT
messed-up with it.
3. NT has no problem to run with that card (after Linux or whatever).

Conclusion (if I'm not missing something):
1. The Windows 3Com driver writes something to the cards EEPROM that
prevents the Linux driver to init the card properly. After that change
NT driver can still drive the card (extract the correct mac addres), but
the 3c59x can't.

If anyone else has seen the same kind of problems, or better, if someone
has a solution to this problem, please let me know!!

Thanks in advance.

Avi Barel