[Beowulf] ***UNCHECKED*** Re: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Re: Spark, Julia, OpenMPI etc. - all in one place

Benson Muite benson_muite at emailplus.org
Tue Oct 20 01:08:22 PDT 2020

> But even then, it was a pretty slow evolution – the Fortran compilers I 
> was running in the 80s on microcomputers under MS-DOS wasn’t materially 
> different from the Fortran I was running in 1978 on a Z80, which wasn’t 
> significantly different from the Fortran I ran on mainframes (IBM 360, 
> CDC 6xxx, etc.) and minis (IBM 1130, PDP-11 in the 60s and 70s. What 
> would change is things like the libraries available to do “non-standard” 
> stuff (like random disk access).
Non standard stuff and lack of implementation of entire standards  is 
still present today:
it seems a required part of how programming languages change.  Co-arrays 
seem very helpful, making a nice PGAS language out of old Fortran, such 
transformations seem to be more difficult for other programming 
languages (C, C++,Ruby,Rust,Java etc). Many PGAS languages lack fault 
tolerance, which most big data frameworks have. On clusters of 
workstations in production environments, fault tolerance is useful, and 
code portability may prevent big data workflows being transitioned to 
PGAS type languages.

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