[Beowulf] Jumbo Gigabit Switches again (SMC vs HP)

Yaroslav Halchenko list-beowulf at onerussian.com
Thu Mar 24 07:40:07 PST 2005

Dear Beowulfers,

Sorry to bring up the old question but can anyone advice me to choose
cheaper SMC8648T which supports 9K jumbo frames
more expensive but I think with better warranty and support
HP ProCurve Switch 2848
here its brochure

it is unclear though what is the size of jumbo frame in HP one.

The goals I'm looking for:
* high density -- we have 26 nodes + 1 service connections, so 24 port
  switch is not enough any more
* high throughput from the server (so there is not that much MPI going
  on on our cluster)
* reduced server load (now with 23 nodes, intensive I/O brings server
  down to its kneese - the crowd of nfsd's starves CPU time), that is
  why I'm trying to grab a switch with jumbo frames 

Please advise between the two

Yaroslav Halchenko
Research Assistant, Psychology Department, Rutgers-Newark
Office: (973) 353-5440x263 | FWD: 82823 | Fax: (973) 353-1171
Student  Ph.D. @ CS Dept. NJIT, Master @ CS Dept. UNM
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