[Beowulf] About Cluster Performance...

Mathias Brito mathiasbrito at yahoo.com.br
Thu May 20 04:49:24 PDT 2004

hello folks,

Well, i would like to know how to organize the nodes
to abtain the best performance of my cluster, for now
i'm using a star topology to my 16 nodes cluster, i
heard something about using a 4x4 grid instead 1x16,
is it better? why? And i also would like to know a way
to calculate(predict) the performance of a cluster,
for example, i have a 16 nodes(using fast ethernet)
cluster and i`m not sure about the maximum performace
i should get, to compare with the HPL benchmark

Mathias Brito

Mathias Brito
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC
Departamento de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas
Estudante do Curso de Ciência da Computação


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