AMD Athlon with Intel Fortran Compiler

Daniel Kidger Daniel.Kidger at
Fri Jan 25 09:35:52 PST 2002

>The Intel compilers are fast, they are just a bit quirky sometimes.
>They complain about Fortran 77 and Fortran 90 syntax unless you tell
>it not too.  It didn't like some of the code and would complain with
>internal compiler errors until I reorganized some code.  I never got
>my Fortran 90 program to run with optmization.  I don't think it
>is all F90 codes just mine had some syntax that it couldn't digest.

Our experience is they are robust and produce very fast code.

When we get 'internal compiler errors' - by deleting work.pc* and
mostly cures the problem.

One other quirk is that using ifc to link produces large static binaries ,
but using icc uses dynamic linking. The static linking can easily be cured
(find ifc.cfg) but it is odd that the defaults are different?


Dr. Dan Kidger, Quadrics Ltd.      daniel.kidger at
One Bridewell St., Bristol, BS1 2AA, UK         0117 915 5505
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