Fwd: [SSI] RFC: Etherboot/PXE to simplify installation and management

W Bauske wsb at paralleldata.com
Fri Nov 9 16:49:05 PST 2001

Rayson Ho wrote:
> FYI,
> Rayson
> --- "Brian J. Watson" <Brian.J.Watson at compaq.com> wrote:
> >   - Adding an /etc/ssitab file for specifying the MAC address,
> >     IP address, node number, and local boot flag for each node
> >     allowed to join the cluster. For each node with the local boot
> >     flag set, a device for the boot partition must also be specified.
> >     The local boot flag should only be set for potential CLMS master
> >     nodes on the x86 platform. For platforms not supported by
> >     Etherboot/PXE, such as Alpha, _all_ nodes should have the local
> >     boot flag set.

Not sure what this guy is thinking but Alphas boot just fine with
bootp on SRM supported network cards. That's what Etherboot does for 
x86 boxes. I doubt Alpha does PXE though. Pretty much all non-x86 UNIX 
boxes I've used can netboot using bootp.

Linuxcentral sells x86 bootp capable network cards for those that are
interested in that sort of thing. The cards use etherboot. Also, 
most new mobo's with built-in Enet support PXE from what I've seen.


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