a shell script to spawn mpi executables on the "free" nodes of a Scyld cluster

Florent.Calvayrac Florent.Calvayrac at univ-lemans.fr
Fri Nov 2 08:49:11 PST 2001

I had given a look to the sources of mpprun,
thinking of using indeed libbeosta,
but could not figure a way not to have one process
running on the master node.

Is this problem fixed in -8 relase of scyld ?

Florent Calvayrac                          | Tel : 02 43 83 26 26 
Laboratoire de Physique de l'Etat Condense | Fax : 02 43 83 35 18
UMR-CNRS 6087         | http://www.univ-lemans.fr/~fcalvay 
Universite du Maine-Faculte des Sciences   |
72085 Le Mans Cedex 9     

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