[vortex] Re: 3Ware controller S2468 and 3Com 3c982

Claude Pignol cpignol@seismiccity.com
Fri Nov 22 00:10:01 2002

Donald Becker wrote:

>On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Bogdan Costescu wrote:
>>On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Claude Pignol wrote:
>>>Marcel de Riedmatten has suggested to change the latency value of 3c982
>>>using setpci. It changes the value (80 for eth0 can be change to 72 )
>>>but the min or max latency doesn't change. It seems that setpci can not
>>>change these registers. Anyway changing to 72 or a lower value doesn't
>>>fix the problem.
>>My knowledge in this area is limited, but I think that what you want is to 
>>lower the latency for 3Ware so that it doesn't keep the bus busy for so 
>You want to lower the minimum grant value.  The lspci and setpci
>programs use non-standard, misleading names.  That makes it more
>difficult to understand and solve these problems.
If the controller logs some overrun, it means that the FIFO is full 
because it can not be emptied as often as or as quickly as it should be. 
So my first try would be to decrease the latency of the NIC , to a value 
lower than the 3ware controller.

Claude Pignol SeismicCity, Inc. <http://www.seismiccity.com>
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