[vortex-bug] 3c575 interrupt with pcmcia 3.1.2x and the 3c575_cs driver (module)

Vincent MARECHAL vincent.marechal@diderot.org
Sun, 2 Sep 2001 02:28:26 -0500

Please I need your opinion,

I've a 3com 3CCFE575CT cardbus. And The pcmcia service starts well. Then the
module 3c575_cs starts well too.

But after that, the link light lights but no link. And I get the message :
eth0: Interrupt posted but not delivered -- IRQ blocked by another device?

I've the SuSE 7.2 and a kernel 2.4.

When this append, with ifconfig I've seen the card irq is 3.
If I exclude 3 in config.opts then it takes 9. If I exclude 9 then 11. If I
exclude 11 then 12.
Each time I've the same error message :
eth0: Interrupt posted but not delivered -- IRQ blocked by another device?
If I exclude irq 12 too, then the module can't start the 3c575.
Eaxh time, in /proc/interrupts, There not seem to be any conflict!
During these tries, irq 10 is free! But the module never want to use it,
neither if I put include irq 10 or irq_list=10. No matter what I do, it
ignores irq 10.

In the laptop I've Windows 2000 too... If I start Windows 2000 and then make
a warm reset, and start linux, the 3c575 get the irq 10
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And all is fine!
I don't want to start w2k each time I need linux.

I don't know what to do.

Please help me. Thank you.