PCMCIA Driver for SMC 10/100 CardBus

Thomas Gagne tgagne@ix.netcom.com
Thu May 4 15:15:37 2000

Good news.

I downloaded the development driver, 0.91g, rebuilt my kernel and pcmcia
modules and things look better.  Both lights on the transiever are on, eth0
seems to come up, and usernet seems to see activity on the device.  Currently,
since I'm not attached to a network I have pins 1&3, 2&6 jumped so I think
that should be tricking the card into thinking it's on a network.  The only
think I didn't expect is, I thought I should be able to ping myself.  I
configured a static address for eth0 as, netmask, but
when I ping the address it doesn't seem to do anything.  The lights blink on
the transiever's "LNK/ACT" LED but no answer to the ping.  I don't know if
this should concern me.  I can try it with a network tomorrow at work.

I'll download the 0.92 driver just in case.  Heck, I never thought I'd be so
happy with LEDs!

Thank you (everyone) for your help.

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