Trying to obtain tulip.c:v0.89K

tytso@MIT.EDU tytso@MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 17 18:54:44 1999

Hi there,

	I'm trying to obtain a clean copy of the v0.89K version of the
tulip.c driver, so I can figure out what changes Netgear hacked into the
tulip driver, with a view towards getting the changes possibly merged
into the latest 0.91 tulip.c driver.

	The current, latest tulip.c driver if used with cards that use
the 82C168 PNIC Tulip clone, will lock up under heavy load (we can
reliably reproduce the lockup in roughly 2-3 seconds by pointing a NFS
benchmarking test at an NFS server using the tulip driver).  The driver
provided by Netgear appears avoids the lockup, but it is an oldish
driver that apparently doesn't completely work correctly under SMP.
It's definitely missing some SMP fixes in the 0.91 driver.

This is the ID string found in the Netgear's driver:

static const char version[] = "tulip.c:v0.89K 8/8/98 Originally written by\nDriver modified by Netgear for FA310TX\nNetgear technical support:\n";

	So anyway, if I can get the v0.89K driver, I'd like to do a
three-way merge with the latest 0.91 driver, and then see whether people
think the changes make sense, or whether they're so grody that some
anonymous engineer at NetGear should be strung up :-) ---- and if the
latter, what the Correct Fix ought to be so that the tulip driver can
adequately support the PNIC clone chip.

	If anyone can help me with this bit of software archeology, I
would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks!!  

							- Ted

P.S.  I'm not on the Linux-tulip mailing list, so please cc any
responses back to me.  Thanks!!