[Fwd: more NetGear mising ARPs]

Blake Koehler bkoehler@home.com
Mon Jun 14 16:42:56 1999

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I've acquired a previously used mail address which is included in the
distribution for this mail list "linux-tulip=bug@cesdis1.gsfc.nasa.gov".
Not that I don't enjoy reading about ethernet cards and such , but, can
anyone help me get off this maillist ?


Blake Koehler

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From: "Dave Platt" <dplatt@radagast.org>
In-Reply-To: Neale Banks <neale@lowendale.com.au>
       "Re: more NetGear mising ARPs" (Jun 13,  8:46am)
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To: Neale Banks <neale@lowendale.com.au>
Subject: Re: more NetGear mising ARPs
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} Are you saying that you're seeing this problem after the card has been
} operating for a while 

That's correct.

>                  (as distinct from my problem with initial ARPs, OTOH
} I suppose your problem could be with ARPs associated with existing ARP
} entries expiring?)?

As far as I know, ARPs aren't specifically involved in the problem
we're seeing.  It occurs during the FTP'ing of multi-megabyte files,
over a fairly busy network.

} "almost"?  That's somewhat unsettling as my machine in question is to be a
} proxy server routinely moving >1GB/day and supposedly without hiccup. {:-(

I say "almost" only because I can't say for certain that we have _no_
collisions at all.  I don't know the conditions under which a good
switch (e.g. Cisco) ever causes a collision in full-duplex mode...
perhaps this is actually impossible?
