Problems with etherexpress pro 100...

Graeme Fowler
Tue Feb 22 04:14:25 2000

On 22-Feb-2000 Cy wrote:
> Andrey's version works great for me.  Haven't had a single timeout
> since putting it into my kernel.

I can second that - I am one of the support & development team on the
JANET National Web Cache Service in the UK (university central web
cache) and we've had awful problems with *some* (but not all) our
machines with eepro100 cards in.

One of the more problematic systems was moved to Andrey's driver last
Thursday, has been under load ever since and hasn't fallen over once.
Which has made us all very happy :)


Graeme Fowler
Network Officer, Infrastructure & Networks Group
Loughborough University Computing Services
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