kickstart install using NFS

Robert G. Brown rgb at
Thu Oct 10 13:07:16 PDT 2002

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Daniel Kidger wrote:

> Also it is neater to have all the RPMs in the directory. That way you can
> use 'yum' to easily install extra packages later (to provide xterms for
> example).

Or to manage fully automated nightly updates so that if you update any
package in your distro, the yum-script will just grab and install the
newer package, resolving all dependencies.  On a good day -- rpm's
themselves are far from perfect;-)

yum rocks.  Seth tells me that Yellow Dog has adopted it and is dumping
yup, yum's sorta-dumb predecessor.  And it is pretty easy to yummify
your source directory for near-complete automation.


Robert G. Brown	             
Duke University Dept. of Physics, Box 90305
Durham, N.C. 27708-0305
Phone: 1-919-660-2567  Fax: 919-660-2525     email:rgb at

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