Errors in getting pvm to run

ahmad rizvi arizvi at
Wed Nov 27 11:48:08 PST 2002


Can someone help me with this problem: I try to add machines from the pvm
console, but it is never successful. The machine names are babbage and 
risc. The output from the /tmp/pvml.xxxx log is given below: 

[t80040000] ready  3.3.10   Wed Nov 27 14:30:56 2002
[t80000000] pl_startup() pvmd at risc: EOF
[t80040000] startack() host risc expected version
[t80000000] pvmd at babbage: permission denied^J
[t80000000] pl_startup() pvmd at babbage: EOF
[t80040000] startack() host babbage expected version
[t80000000] pl_startup() pvmd at on: EOF
[t80040000] startack() host on expected version

Ahmad Rizvi
Graduate Student,

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