How can I compute the range of signed and unsigned types

Joe Griffin joe.griffin at
Wed Apr 18 05:47:39 PDT 2001

I beg to differ.  I know this list is mainly for Linux
users, but the original post was asking specifically about
different "types of machines" so I assume he
does not mean IA32/Linux.

CRAY systems use 46 or 64 bit integers. There
are also compiler options that can change the
definition of "int" on many computers.  On an
NEC / SX-5 you can compile int to be 32 or 64 bits
I believe.

Here is a little "C" routine which may be used:

#include <stdio.h>


        printf("size of int        is %4d \n",sizeof(int));
        printf("size of Unsign int is %4d \n",sizeof( unsigned int));
        printf("size of char       is %4d \n",sizeof(char));
        printf("size of float      is %4d \n",sizeof(float));
        printf("size of double     is %4d \n",sizeof(double));


> > How can I 'compute' the different sizes of types on the machine?  to
> > prove that the values within limits.h are valid.  I also would like to
> > do this for reals. Anyone have any tips - I'd appreciate it.
> Those sizes are defined for the C language.  In order words, no matter
> if you're on a 32-bit machine or a 64-bit machine, an int is always
> going to be 32-bit and thus have the same numeric range because the
> standards say so.  This goes for all the basic types, not just int's.
> Jag

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